The Falcon

check out the video. I may be getting one of these as i think it would make gaming in a FPS so much more fun, but at $149 i dunno.

For those of you too lazy to click, its like a pistol grip attatched to a 3 pronged springloaded moterized device which lets you feel recoil/other force feedbacks found in games

I saw that, it gives your gun recoil = teh suck for any serious fps’ing.

Single player, ok, but thats about it.

Sorry for the sidetrack, but its kinda on topic:This would be the only thing I might use to stray from the mouse/keyboard combo.

Wow… that is really cool.

But yeah, for being competitive, never.

Really cool but I would rather have a mouse. No way you can move that as fast.

IVe used that and I thought it was horrible.

On the steam forums they are having an open competition in TF2 where anyone can sign up and go against a guy using one of these. If they beat him they get one of these sent to their house for free.