The Flashlight Drags have been cancelled.

The Flashlight Drags have been cancelled for saturday 10/8/2005, but are rescheduled to sunday 10/9/2005 at the same time.

See for any questions.


Looks like tomorrow should be better. We’ll c.

nice car in pic…is that a monte carlo??? j/k

Yeah, that is the rare twin turbocharged Monte Carlo :smiley:

Is anyone going tomorrow?

Think they’ll be able to dry it out?

They run a couple trucks down the track repeatedly to dry it off.

I’m going in the gayturn.

I’m leaving in a few.

I saw a black grand national today in centry III


its prolly the black turbo t type that is at the stereo shop on 51…cant remember the name right now…anyway it was for sale and sat out front for like a month.