The garage to die for....

wtf. This is just sick. I m at a loss for words.

(possible NWS depending on what ads come up)


must be hard having an undriven CGT…


one could only wish

hmm no worky at work… dang


wow. just wow. and hes so modest about his “passion for supercars”

Woah, that guy is loaded…

could that guy be any more boring?

He sounds like he’s stoned

i think i need to change my major, that place is sex

" Walk around with a bottle of wine and stare at the colors and shapes"

my comp is too slow :frowning:

The thing that amazes me most about that is that he hasn’t even driven them all.

Dying for that garage would be pointless. However, I would kill for it… :hang:

So here’s the question:

Of all the cars in the garage, which ONE would you take?

I would take the F40. Rare, fast, and will only appreciate in value.


collage isn’t gonna get you were you wanna be, 9 out of 10 millionaires in the world have no degrees… :gotme:

and yes those are a bunch of nice cars indeed, I’m sure that man has put in a tons of hard to get were he is today, hats off to him :tup:

woohoo lets spend money on a place where U’ll spend .5% of ur daily life.

I would take the Ferrari F40.