Brb… going to go throw a carb on my GSR


i have a huge erection thanks to this thread.

plus rep!

fuck murrdog, that is all.

Fuck you carb king

still live in that crooked ass apt in albs? (the one with the slanted floors and doorways…)

I just carbed my bicycle shits hella toonable now.

haha no… i moved out of there years ago, my apartment now is muchhh nicer.

That shits for rent. My buddy wanted me to check it out. I was like :skid

I would like to be added to that list

Op is ghey? Or secretly in love with all those on list? Or both?

Just killed myself, hope you’re happy you fucking cyber bully

Yah fuckkkk that place… I hope it burns to the ground. The guy who owns it is such a scumbag. I lived there from like september till november and then moved home. Moving there was one of the biggest mistakes i’ve ever made.

score I didnt make the list:)

How’s your camaro project coming you pussy

:rofl :rofl Dying. ^^^^^^^

I didn’t make list either Yesssssssss

sold it and got a bike to learn how to ride motorcycles, I flipped a $500 profit on what i found out was a shit pile whats pussy about flipping a profit?:stuck_out_tongue:

more names for the list

1SLOWCAM, , 97cavy, capitalcrew, DUKE LADUKE, love4boost, MillzB5, MPSoldier, Quattro!, rainmanpaul, rexford flats racing, sbardy, Sketchy, swaiknow, wannaBtrd