The Hacker

Same dude thats in the “Look at that!” vid:


Dudes characters are classic, have you also seen his videos where he draws a human eye with a bic pen? I watched a lot of his videos a couple years ago, super funny. The mumbler is a good one too… WITH THE CHEESE PLEASE!

Another favorite.

:rofl:rofl:rofl “Black Ops, whut dat?”

The farting in times square vid is a classic too. I had to pause it so I could catch my breath.

the teste videos are amazing


Hey Mike, did you happen to click the link I posted above?

haha love it

Look up mumbles the cowboy. Same guy. Funny as shit.


Haha yes! We talk like that at work all the time to make the time pass by.

Ummmm, yeah… I, was… uhhh, quoting you, without quoting you and agreeing with you that I liked that video too. :ninja

Dude, the look at that car is the best. I fucking died laughing. Him calling Walmart is fucking hysterical as well.

