The Human Centipede

just finished watching it. OMFG! disturbing as all fuck! if u got a weak stomach, dont watch this. and no i wont tell u how it ends.

didnt pjb try to do something similar to this?

Yeah his movie was “The Human Choo Choo Train.” It involved children with Hot Wheels cars surgically attached to their feet.


So messed up :frowning: DO NOT WANT.

i was thinking he would just attach torso to torso…like each persons shoulders attached to the previous torso’s waist…and get rid of all excess heads and legs…haha

wasnt expecting that…

So this movie is out??

Pretty sure you can watch it on demand right now if you have time warner.

I might have to watch this now lol

Well I know what I’m doin when I get home lol

LOL i was discussing this on another forum. How would the feces from the first person not kill the second person via ecoli?

If its on time warner I am totally watching this when i get home

Yeah you cant poop in someones mouth for an extended amount of time and expect things to work out well…

yeah this shit looks sooo weird… will download NOT pay to see this

in one of the trailers, the doctor puts up an image on that projector and it shows like one long tube going from the anus of the 1st person through the 2nd persons mouth and eventually outta the 3rd anoos… idk how it works but i remember seeing that

just watched it. Such a weird movie

looks stuuupiddd

worth the watch or no?

If you like watching weirdassed but horribly scripted movies definitely.

I willsay that it is definitely an expirience and I am happy I watched

Well Ive seen all the Saw movies, so might as well give this one a shot :lol

The LULZ you have during the movie are worth it