THe Intro to Pittengineer

what year you going into? In a fraternity? Live off campus or on campus?


I’ll be a senior in the fall. Not in a fraternity, but have a bunch of friends from phi kaps and delts. Live on Atwood in a house with a few friends.

Hey Joel, this is JP, we have all the same IE courses together. How’s the summer going? and how’s the car running?

Alls good. Working, car shows, parties, turning 21 tomorrow(july 2) :beer: . Cars running good. Waiting for my 3kgt headers to come in and hopefully order my deca doors before the end of summer so I have winter to screw around with my car over christmas break.

:rolleyes: theres other forums

I know. I’m just never on the comp anymore. No time.

Alls good. Working, car shows, parties, turning 21 tomorrow(july 2) :beer: . Cars running good. Waiting for my 3kgt headers to come in and hopefully order my deca doors before the end of summer so I have winter to screw around with my car over christmas break.

Sounds pretty sweet man!

Happy Birthday! you’re gonna be tearing up oakland tonight I assume hahaha