Here is my plate.
Is that what the back of one of those turds look like:tounge:
Originally posted by OrangeSS
Is that what the back of one of those turds look like:tounge:
yeah sammy cant see it from all the way back where he is at. :tounge:
Wow did he hit the nail on the head when he got that plate:D
Originally posted by flyinglow57
yeah sammy cant see it from all the way back where he is at. :tounge:
Im sorry but that kind of car is way out of my league. The funny thing is that car would give ur little truck a run for its money:tounge:
nice plate. at least the guy is honest :tounge:
Originally posted by Shaggy
Originally posted by Shaggy
Can i get an AMEN!!
hers my old one, pa is a bunch of fuckin faggots to let me have it though…
a friend of the family has this plate
its a ford dont need a licens plat to know that its slow :eek3:
Why the heck would you want a plate that says “genocide” I’m glad PA doesn’t let you get it
Originally posted by Jajo
Why the heck would you want a plate that says “genocide” I’m glad PA doesn’t let you get it
un- fucking- believable well yayo, im glad pa will let you get these nuts…
Originally posted by slowcamaro
its soo tru…