The Monday Time Waster Thread (Robot Edition)

Good game.





How many times Rob has choked his chicken since child birth

mire like how many bags of candy you had to go through till you found a girl willing to be your girlfriend :wink:


show off


mire like how many bags of candy you had to go through till you found a girl willing to be your girlfriend :wink:


:touchy: I love you Rob, you can pick from my bag of candy any day… Ive been saving that Barbie Pez dispenser you’ve been wanting for a while now

lol <3

Bump, it’s monday!





mire like how many bags of candy you had to go through till you found a girl willing to be your girlfriend :wink:



Yay, monday?

ugh, need to update flash and I don’t have access to do that at work


ugh, need to update flash and I don’t have access to do that at work



at least Ingram opened up youtube

Also the flash update message is there regardless. Just click the message below stating you have it.

can we try and get links to all the work time waster games on here ???