the new Vii

no i didnt spell it wrong its called the Vii

wow. just… wow.

paging AWDrifter.

" This machine is called a Vii, it is made in China.

lol, newman beat me.

But srsly, this is pretty damned funny.


And what does the world do to punish China for it’s repeated blatent patent infringement?

Gives them an Olympic Games.


batteries can work more than 25 hours continuous the joy pad has SLEEP function.(it maybe exist the error used by the different brand of battery.)

Engrish. <3

Besides it has the only game people play on the Wii anyways.

The olympic commitee is based out of the US? No shit, i did not know that.


reminds me of

lol first time i seen that

lol 8bits of fury

What part of “the world” did you not understand?

Maybe patent was the wrong word though. Copyright? License? What ever international companies use to protect their designs from being copied circuit by circuit, or have crap components put in an identical looking case.

i wonder if it still gets the RRoD

The part where you assume the rest of the world gives a shit about american based companies losing 100s of millions of R&D money…

I know they’re ripping off companies based elsewhere, but not on such a scale.

America =! the world, sorry to tell you.

i didnt think nintendo was an american company?

its not. Which is prolly why the talking heads aren’t all over this… and it has to be found on geek blogs & craigslist.


:picard: go china

It’s not an “American” problem. Last time I checked Nintendo was Japanese. In fact, the majority of electronics the Chinese are copying are not from US companies because US companies don’t make electronics anymore, sorry to tell you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said, it’s a WORLD problem, and the WORLD Olympic committee said, “Human rights violations, child labor, blatent copyright/patent/intellectual property violations that the government not only does nothing to stop but encourages… yeah, they deserve an Olympic Games”.

You’re two posts late.