The Official Callout/Kill Thread

there you go rich!

GAY, was about to call dibs on videoing again :lol

video tape from my car

That’ll work too. I’ll need joey’s camera though unless you have one, his takes great video, much better than i thought it would.

edit: nevermind, wouldnt be hard to get his camera i assume we’d meet at the park and ride or something

I just have a sony HD. It takes decent videos but not like joeys. I also have a camera mount tho where I can mount it in my rear window and point it forward.

We should honestly meet somewhere and get a interview of the cars with mod lists and shit. Actually make a good 518 scene video. We have decent running cars around here but no decent video’s to prove it.

That would be cool. Get the 15 or so 120+mph cars that regularly roll race/LVD at one spot.


also, where has the kid “BLUEDA” or whatever been? the kid with the old turbo blue integra that talked alot of shit about running me this season…where is he at? I want to run that fucker.

He’s around. He and his brother have some new stuff.


lets line em up 3 wide.

If Richard declines, it’s all you.

I know, I’ve wanted to do that for so long. My YouTube account probably has close to 100 videos from this year of races between all sorts of cars, but no legit intros or anything. Need someone with some computer knowledge and a good video editing program to put my videos together with interviews of each car.

“Eat 'em like goldfish”


I could throw something simple together with your videos. Like those 1% vids.


Do it up Lance

yah and also change camera’s or whatever to different cars for different races to get different point of views

huh? lol

judging by how I feel on working on my car this week and actually getting it done by friday afternoon, someone is welcome to ride shotty with me and video tape (preferably, a small person LOL)

You callin me fat, motherfucker???

your like 6’ 5"