The Official NYspeed what did you get for xmas thread.

An MP3 player and stuff to go with it
a shop light
a few tools
A case for my camera
$100 from the grandparents! I still haven’t exchange presents with my dad yet.

Being that I am wasted (to deal with the family), I got really confused until I realized you were a girl. I was trying to think of a company with the initials AE that makes sideskirts for cars.

Parents :

New Tires (2)
Lian Li PC case
1gb XD card
MX518 mouse
Captains of Crush hand grippers
Lots Gift Cards & Delta washes.

Uncles : Gift Cards,Cash & a very nice set of floor mats.

clothes…no really thats it.

I’m surprised you found it acceptable that I got a purse. Haha.

i’m surprised your mom could afford that. Are you sure sure it’s not just a picture of it?

I got a bottle of soco. No, really. I did.

I also got myself a DSC H5 and a gt35r

Newman, you’re an asshole. My mom makes ALMOST (not exact) double what you make.

That’s the gift that keeps on givin’ the whooole year round Clark… err, I mean Kyle.

And sorry bout the Z32 reference… its been a long month for me :stuck_out_tongue: Would you prefer PearlZ32 now?

Damn, some of you made out really well…my Christmas consisted of me buying a plane ticket home to MN to visit the family. I spent more on myself and gifts than what I received.

lol. silly dawn, i haven’t made 11,000 dollars/year since college

you’re making me really angry right now.
she makes way more than that.

From the parents:
New cell phone
and the best gift ever - MIGHTY MONEY

clothes i need to return from the brother

cash and an ornament from the grandmother

-Samsung S500 Digital Camera
-256mb SD Card
-4 Ni Mh Batt and Charger

-1GB MicroSD Card

Rest of the Family:
-AA and AAA Batteries
-Tony Hawk Project 8 for PS2
-Playing Cards
-$125 SnapOn Gift Cards (Tekers get 50% off on top of that ;-))
-12 Pack of IBC

I got absolutely nothing from my parents.

Then, I got approximately half of the sweaters Express makes from my girlfriend.

I need to buy myself something to make up for this.


Fuck you Tom, those are some awesome presents.

oh… also got a few gift cards… some jack shot glasses, and a cptn. morgan bar mirror
… and a bunch of other stuff but these were definitely the best two gifts.

Simpsons Season 8. Reason #1 I took off Tuesday the 26th from work.

Simpsons Season 9. Reason #2 I took off Tuesday the 26th from work.

Half-Life 2: Episode 1. Now I just have to send my video card in to get fixed.

Nice warm front zip hoodie. Hoodies have to be my favorite artilce of clothing.

Genuine Subaru All Weather Mats. Bring on the snow…

$70 cash. Imagine the possibilities.


gift certs

Bought this for myself a while back…

Parents got me:

Technica Modo 8 Ski Boots

New Rollerblades

And some shirts and ties, gloves and other stuff… oh and $440 cash.