OFFICIAL What did you get for xmas thread?

Haven’t opened up gifts yet, but noticed that there wasnt a thread like this.

So post up!

last night i got a water cooler for my room. i plugged it in and went to work.

i got home and found the 5 gallon water jug completely empty and a stack of clean clothes next to the cooler completely soaked. it’s leaking from either the jug or the machine, hopefully the jug. so, f@ck me so far.

All 3 Seasons of arrested development, a nice new orient watch, new bed sheets, GCs to restaurants…

A nice headache from drinking last night.

a cast iron skillet (time to fry up some bacon!!)
a cuisinart stick blender package, with a chopper bowl and whisk
and my favorite, a gorgeous snowflake necklace

the perfect blend of shiny and practical!

still haven’t been to the rents’ place

ooo cast iron makes a great piece of salmon.

a steeda 5 link II
an original big wheel to give my son someday (most unexpected present i’ve ever opened)

^you have a son?

lol. that is a random gift. lol.

Seasons 1-6 Curb Your Enthusiasm - Absolutely fucking awesome.

GoPro Hero Motorsports Camera

I got a 3 series


Clothes, xbox games and money to put towards bike projects over winter


I asked for that also…awesome fucking show.

I’m going to be LOL’ing when you have 3 daughters and the one who gets the Big Wheel ends up becoming a box muncher.

Sooo. . . . We opened gifts and Karter got me the best gift of all.

I got:
-Flyers jacket <3
-Flyers money clip
-Tim hortons coffee mug
-Towels -Slippers
-Candy canes
-Pair of headphones
Gift cards

My parents sent me a longhorns hoodie, Twilight movie & the books, and some socks.

All I got for Christmas was a dick in my mouth.

360 elite

I got bitched at for being so hard to shop for. :gotme:

haha, nice so because it was your mouth, your still going to post a bunch of “PLEASE HAVE SEX WITH ME” threads ?