OFFICIAL What did you get for xmas thread?

Oh, and a pair of nikes.

And I bought myself:
2 pairs of jeans
Shaun of the dead, dawn of the dead, from hell, American beauty, and inglourious basterds on DVD.
Buncha CDs including saves the day, folly, blondie, descendents, and I can’t remember the rest
Burberry touch perfume
hair dye
new bed sheets

edit: karter, for once, shut the fuck up! When the fuck have I ever made a thread like that? I realize I brought this upon myself because I was making a joke but fuckkkk. You make me wish I was a guy so I could fight you.

new computer and 22 inch flat screen hd monitor, some money, best buy giftcard, another pair of oakleys, and some clothes.

Dawn, American beauty :tup:

Beck, be easy to shop for and you wont get bitched at!

New leather Jacket
New job
Tucker Max book
and a bunch of other misc stuff

^tucker max…good man, read up

If you were a guy, hed whoop your ass.
You made an stupid comment. Now shut the fuck up and keep your retarded comments out of my nice holiday thread.

Lots of Gift Cards
A mini AH-64 RC Chopper

no for when i have a son someday…as in the future at some point lol

tools, cloths, $$, space heater

some cologne and clothes!

Didnt notice it at first, cast iron skillets make the best grilled cheese once you season them with a bunch of cooking.

I use to have one, think it got lost in a move, it was perfectly seasoned, made the best grilled cheese.

Renewed membership to River Oak’s Golf Club
really nice painting
have yet to exchange presents with the gf


An alarm with keyless entry and flip key for the E36
work pants
and a gift certificate to tire rack

fish tank i always wanted! i love tropical fish

so far a belt and a giftcard to Macy’s.

A bunch of clothes for the office and tires for the car

got a sawzall, screw gun and drill… i got other things too but i dont really care to post them, plus i’ll actually be using these a lot so it’s nice

i hate getting things i cant really use, i feel bad lol


Cloths, GC’s, $$…