so when i was in college, i can remember being up late one night and scrolling through the tv and i stumbled upon public access. so i was watching this show called THE UNREAL VARIETY SHOW. this dude is a cracked out mother fucker. so anyways i would catch this show here and there and watch it, just to see what he was going to do or say next. time went on, i moved and forgot about this character until saturday night!!!
i was at the new colonie pricechopper getting some tasty juice to mix with my everclear and there he was!!! plastic bag and all. i proceeded to follow him from a distance watching his every move. haha cracked out! so as we are watching him im telling my gf all about him and how weird he is. so we leave and i look him up on youtube and hes all over the internet.
rayford faulkner is his name and im sure some of u have seen him or his aweful show b4. if u google his name u will find a shit ton of forums and shit on this dude. CRACKED OUT!!!
and u can youtube his show too. he is know around the albany schenectady area as a scumbag who give death threats, makes shit up and is a racist. o very homophobic as well. i have read that he is nothing but a harmless pussy though.
I watched his show back in the day (amazing, to say the least)
He gives out his number at the end of the show.
I told him that he was insane and his show was retarded via txt message.
He would call me and leave voicemails about how he wanted to kill me and how
I was racist etc. It was too funny, his voice and attitude together is just epic.
I told him I saw him at ‘the bustop’, ‘the other day’. He responded with :
“If I knew that was you staring at me, I would have killed you”
I wish I still had those vmails. They were 5-10minutes long too haa
The guy covers himself in bleaching agents (who knows what)
and what looks to be baby powder. His reasoning from what I remember
is to ‘eliminate stereotypes (being of african decent)’ and some other b/s.
If you want to fire him up, insult his musical talent and movie making capabilities