The Ritz Couch!

Up for grabs is this awesome piece of Ritz history, a luxurious pull out sofa upholstered in classy striped upholstery. If you were ever here, you may have sat on this couch and drank and/or chain smoked, and maybe you even passed out on it. Well now I’m offering up the opportunity for someone to take this baby home, completely free of charge! Yes, you heard right. It weighs as much as a 1973 Buick, it is fairly comfortable, and it even pulls out into a bed. What more can you ask for? It has a few rips, burns, and it could use a good cleaning. There is a small mark on one arm where it appears someone tried starting it on fire- maybe it was me, I don’t remember. Great for a basement, spare room, shitty living room, or it would make a great lawn ornament if you are seeking revenge on your neighbors. Act now and you can even get an ugly tan chair included in this deal. Bring a large vehicle or straps to tie it to your beater car, and a person to help carry it.

For those who don’t know the location, it’s near South Park and 20 in Hamburg. I know this is the classifieds, but non-serious responses to this thread are more than welcome. :slight_smile:

Crappy tan chair:

Has Jam laid semen on that couch?

I’m pretty sure the actual couch part hasn’t been violated, but the sheet inside is highly suspect.

My friend will prolly take these, I’ll PM ya later when I talk to him

what about the half round wacky porn couch?

LOL! I hauled that ugly thing to the curb last year. It just sat in the middle of the room tripping people and collecting coats so it had to go. As of now Motocrossx23 has dibs, and someone else wants the chair if that falls through.

FUCK!!! i loved that couch :frowning:

Damn, I woulda saved it for you. I am keeping the birdcage chair though- fixing it up for my porch:)


That fucker was heavy as hell!!!

Thanks a lot man, my friend really appreciates it :tup:

No problem, glad to see it live on!

Just thought I’d bump this for some sad news…

After a ridiculous summer of parties and mayhem, my buddy decided to move out of his apartment and in doing so, we had to lay the couch to rest :frowning:

It had a good run, it’s going to a better place now


awww… I’ve done many a regrettable thing on that couch.

It finally dies. I wonder how many different houses and apartments that thing has been in, how many parties it’s been through, and how much action it saw over the years. RIP stripey couch, you will be missed.

That’ll do pig. That’ll do.

ewwwwwww you have!!! That’s fucked up dude…

That couch has nothing on the old Harlem Roadhouse couch. Ick, I can’t believe I slept on that thing numerous times before I heard the stories about things that occurred on it.