The slightly new look *pics*

Finished fabricating the new bumper and slapped it on yesterday. I usually draw projects out for a long time, but this took less than 3 weeks including ordering, shipping, fabricating, painting, and mounting… It’s a completely different look that I have to get used to, but i like it.



anybody see my inspiration?..

very nice…

oh my gawd

it looks fabulous.

when i first looked at it, i thought it was a little bit too much of a change…

but after looking at it for a minute it looks, a lot more “mature”, and agressive.



CSL bumper = sex

Very nice :tup:

wow, i like it alot more than i thought i would after i had read through the DIY…very nice work, looks excellent

Josh do u do ur own painting as well

Looks sweet :tup:


josh does the following for his paint:

mixes it
makes it
invents the color
crushes pearls he deep sea dove to get on a boat he made from one single peice of wood…(see below)

that is HOT!

Definitely a bigger bumper than you had before (or at least appears to). Looks great, man!!

OK now show the pick of the 30 scrap bumpers you effed up in the process of creating something that nice. :eyebrow:

I know I know, you only did it once… :bloated:

By the way, :tup:

looks awesome as usual

Personally I liked the other setup, looked a little classier I think. This looks ok, but i liked the other one better.

:tup: looks nice man

I love your car so much…

much more aggressive

Love it! I hated those little metal brackets on the old one.

not sure if its the lighting, but the color seems to be off a little.

i like it much more than the old one for sure

kinda similar to when i saw your tattoo for the first time, but not…
(oh yeah, thanks for showing my painting secrets) :lol:

My last bumper was in need of major repairs and wasn’t worth salvaging. I really liked it though too. After realizing it would take more work, more money, and more time just to get the same look i was already driving around with… i chose to do something different.

That was the main factor that forced my decision, but i have no regrets.

It’s likely the lighting since the paint is from the same can I had been using for everything else.