The "Strong Jellies" award belt

As a young Airman many years ago, I visited a high school friend that was stationed at Fort Sill in Lawton, OK. He mentioned that he ‘heard’ about a ‘massage place’ about 3 miles off post that offered some kind of special services.

Young, dumb, and sex deprived, I made the 6 mile round trip walk to quench my thirst for sexual pleasure.

With that said, I understand how the walk of fame there, and the walk of shame on the way back feels!

yeah, theres other stuff on Altamont avenue besides the pervert store, like Walmart, gas stations, etc and a few of my friends live off that road.

And I take my dog for a walk every Sunday morning in colder weather when its not raining and sometimes walk that way, other times another way into Schenectady.

I’ll give you 20 dollars if you walk to Adult World with the belt on, let me take pics of you there, and walk home.


Im not going to the pervert store, especially not with a belt like that. Id look like some kind of homeless mentally challenged pervert.

fuck that i’ll give him a ride and even buy a dvd of his choice if he agrees to take pics there LOL

i dont need any of those dvd’s. Besides that I dont even know how to hook up my dvd player so I havent touched it in a few years. I think I watched one movie on it since I bought it and then I switched tv’s and hooked something up wrong and now it doesnt work.

And why would I need a ride if I have a vehicle?

sometimes you find unusual motivation to do things, and i think a dvd from that store could be the answer

no, Im good


Paul I will fly back from GA and use my magic unicorn powers to make your DVD player work. Then you can watch the DVD that singh buys you in adult world :lol

whats with the “pervert” store you virgin

you dont have to be a pervert to enter one of those stores you know

I may or may not have gone in there to buy a Clone-A-Willy for my girlfriend who gets lonely over long periods of time.

I go there all the time , what’s the big deal ?

Its just not my kind of store.

The dvd player was new and only used once so I know its not broken. Just hooked up wrong and I javent bothered to fuck with it.
I dont need one of ‘those’ dvd’s in any case though.

Is that a 50W oil or a 20W oil at 400* kelvin?

OMG this thread delivers.

Who’s willy did she clone?