The swan

hmm sound like an interesting show, but could you really stand being called fugly and stand people telling you that plastic surgery is in your future? i dunno i was watching it and the results were amazing :shock: still its kinda entertaining… is that bad?

eat less glue.


you all suck :stuck_out_tongue:

its this show where they take realy ugly girls and give them plastic surgery and stuff and they cant look at them selves for 3 months then after the 3 months theyre entered into a beauty pagent, seriously they look soooo different, difference between a KA and SR

so it’s tougher to get parts for them afterwards?

i was trying to put it in terms that would excite you all :lol: guess it didnt work :stuck_out_tongue:

That show was just sick to watch. Hooray for Fox for coming out with
another stupid reality show.

Only reality show I watch is Survivor. :shock:

The only reality stuff i watch is porn.

I like the way you think :thumleft: