The Thing

In typical Hollywood fashion, here is another remake of a remake of a remake.

Fun Fact: This makes the 4th remake since the 1930’s…

It looks good and all but a third remake? Do they have any original ideas in Hollywood or do they just throw darts at old movies and declare Remake!

You’d think Hollwood is broke. Remakes are the new in. Didn’t you hear, they’re making three more spider man movies for fucks sake.

J Carpenters '82 version with Russel was awesome. Will be very difficult to be better.

Agreed. I even like the b&w version.

I think its more of a generational update, that is not needed. It seems the newer remakes all have more blood and gore, and have to spell everything out, as most peoples attention spans are a good 3 seconds. I actually didnt see the Kurt Russell one until a few years ago, it is def one of my favorite suspense/horror type movies now. I will in no way support this in the theater but will eventually see it.