The ultimate showdown...hahaha

haha nice, enjoyed that with my coffee…

except for chuck norris getting beaten (he can’t be beat) that was good

Seen it before, but its awesome. I just don’t understand why Tobias from Arrested Development, in his Blue Man paint, is in it.

ahh good ol tobias :lol:

“i just blue myself”

Hahaha. Do you ever listen to yourself?

Sometime you should tape yourself for a whole day, you’d be amazed… hahaha

Hhahaa best show on TV ever. Why oh why is Fox so dumb?

That sucked. Watch the real version. Or the disturbing adults only version (guaranteeing that isn’t safe for work)

yeah, the real version was totally different than the one i posted…


(not jokes are back)

I cant beleive you posted the disturbing one…

Have you seen the trailer for Borat? I like the part with him trying to do NOT jokes haha

yeah, but the one you posted had amazing quality and looked great


I can’t believe someone pointed a camera at their monitor and videotaped a flash video, that was already on the internet, then put that video back into a format their pc would understand, just to post it back on the internet. Wow.

^^ rofl… hahahaha i didn’t realize thats what they did.

:lol: :lol:

i saw that a long time ago on newgrounds! pretty funny vid!