The white batmobile in North Buff

Already beat you to it 90NA300ZX

maybe custom title?
“Redneck n0000b of '09”

actually i picture him being a ghetto white boy more than a redneck.

I think that he may have just left on his own accord already.


it depends… is he “rollin” on the 22’s?

“import pieces of shit” i like that wording, haha, hes dumb for thinking a lotus is a plastered old cArolla kit car… what an epic loser Sean Jon…u rolling deep in ure taurus w/ the beats and the saggy rear end???

I wonder if this guy is related to Just Karter?

Just thought I’d post in this thread…


That was my guess.

Those characteristics are more so those of a sugar daddy (pimp) rather than an overprotective redneck.

Newmans tryin to steal his best ho.

Just Karter = Girlfriend?

Any mod bother to check this guy’s IP address and see if it’s a troll account? The return of Cuban Crisis maybe?

signs point to no…

No, i saw your post don’t worry…i wasn’t trying to be the first to state this…i was just supporting your arguement in a bit of a more organzed fashion…

I did as well, none of the alarms went off, and none of the backend data matches any other member.

We can split the prize $. I want the Trophy though.

maybe the guy’s on dial up and thats why the IP’s dont match… i wouldnt put it past him

and maybe he is telneting into a shell account and this is a IRC bot running on efnet.

:snky: I don’t just use IP’s and Emails. There are other factors that are out there.

Kinda thinking the same thing and waiting to read the newest thread after his “OMG started the engine on my lotus” thread as “OMG missing the mirror on my lotus”

El oh el. Epic

Something tells me tho the OP needs to get off the library computers and go back to work at McDonalds. I am hungry.