Awesome dude. Thank you sooo much for helping me get rid of the slobalt. I am eternally greatful :bigclap:Thanks so much for taking care of me and putting up with what i consider to be a pain in the ass. See you Monday!

more details?

potentially worse than a drdos thread


quoted…for no snky edit

So you’ll be at a car dealer’s on monday?

So does that mean i’ll have a day off from facebook invitations to whatever shitty event happens to be going on at whatever shitty chip strip bar you work at?


I’ll stop inviting you, i invite everyone. It my family’s bar so i sometimes feel obligated to make it it look like i’m trying to bring in business. All you had to do was ask nicely like Pumice and i will skip over you.

What reason would I have for a snky edit?

Jim says:
she sends them ALL the time
Jim says:
its awful

What’s the new car?

I’m not telling, and you can blame it on Jim … What I will say is, it’s probably what you all think to be the epidomy of a chick car



adam ill tell you

OHHHH nice.

Is it yellow?!

IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT YELLOW!!! [SIZE=2]I have a hatred for yellow now

Well its good to know you are more masculine than Aaron is

lol destroyed… all over the place

that’s why he liked her so much :lol:

srsly… this coming from you?