the Z...56k? i dont know.

its been a month since ive had the lil f00ker…u are all gonna start fagging about my car…but i love it…and i got really excited to get my car back…and i went to my Top Secret :snky: photoshoot spot and took about 45 different shots
edit…this is only 3. haha

:tup: to getting the car back

:tdown: for not haveing an Nyspeed logo graffitied in the backround

i like ur car… hit me up anytime u wanna go cruise or have a few runs… i know ill be out this sat running choda

sweet pics :tup: they look hot

glad its back running…

Those pics are pretty cool.

Good location too!


glad u got the car back

:lol: @ running choda

gonna need more than a TBE, mbc and cams for that

edit: nice to see your car is back out and the MG is put away lol

i dont care, its for fun… if i lose which i know im going to it dont matter to me… just want to have some fun

weve gotta find someplace good to spray the logo, someplace noone will care but still makes a nice photoshoot

Holy fucking park bench!!

Nice pics.:tspry:

screw peoplo caring, its all about the picture son

if i guess the spot do i get a cookie

nice looking car, i liek the wing IDEA, its just that one is too big. But nice overall

:tup: Glad it works!

looks nice… im glad i read somehwere you plan on takin the spoiler n stripes off over winter

lol yea u can pm me…

haha just what i expected out of you ubrf’ers

yea it seems to be ok :gotme: it slipped as soon as i picked it up but he adjusted some little rod connecting to the master cylinder and its fine…i think the pics look good…

I like it a lot, but the wing needs to be cranked down a couple feet

I agree. i think it looks good overall, but the wing is just TOO tall. Maybe knock it down so it’s just a few inches off the rear lid, and it’d look WAY better IMO.

the wing makes it look like a poopra

I’m no UBRFer.
I’m just saying…thats a big spoiler. Wouldn’t have been my choice but :tspry: to you for a nice car.