gonna happen…?
i’ve still got the slicks on :kekegay:
keep this chill and on topic, no g/f cracks in here or other bs
i think this should happen, and i’d be willing to put money towards the winner just to see it go down.
we’re gonna have to break out the sun dial for this one
no real reason to back out…
go for it, if you lose it will be a good excuse to get something new and better
$20.00 Bucks roll race at 20MPH start i have no starting power with my car. Multi-port will be waiting for ya when its time to go.
slips are more fun
losing car shall suffer horrible fate
losing car is getting cut the fuck up
this shit is :greddy: im going to go drink some nyquil and go to bed since i gotta be up at 7
i’m going to drink then fall asleep as well
to be continued…
if you would have read the other thread it stated that i needed a car for my vehicle rescue class,
the jaws of life can do crazy things
suncawk is a pussy!!! i just told him 20mph roll for 50 bucks and his pussied out!!! and says “what ever happened to racing for fun”
your a :tool: and your car is not fast! neither is my escort beater so grow some hair on your balls and run em! 20mph roll for slips or no deal, yousay your car is fast and it will beat me when your multiport FI kicks in, well lets go!
I will race for fun because i need the top end of it rebuilt right now. And i need to get the front repainted which is gonna cost 350 bucks just to have it painted.
okay, well you told me on AIM u’d race him if it was from a roll… so why don’t you just do that for money instead of slips if u really don’t wanna lose it that bad?
he put up $50 and i’m sure others would add to it to see this happen
It’s one thing to mod a sunbird and think it is a great car, but it is sad when you are afraid to race a beater escort for $20 with said sunbird. The fact that you are afraid to race an escort should tell you about the futility of modding your car.
this is whats going to happen
That sounds fair, but I would throw in one from a dead start too.