Theft: 1 Nissan Emblem

This is just too damn funny to pass up telling you guys (and girl(s)) about.

I spend 1 night at my buddies house after a bit of drink. During the night some punk stole a emblem off my car. Which one you wonder? The one on my freaking hubcap! Yes the hubcap!

Its not even the metal one like on the trunk lid. I swear, people just make me wonder!

Those fetch a premium before race wars.

HAHAHAH stupid fucks. i dont care if someone takes my emblems, just dont fuck up the paint. I can always get another emblem.

You sure it didn’t fall off?

Did you check and make sure they were all there before you went inside. I am guessing it fell off while driving after brushing a curb or something.

I had a lil Spec V emblem on my front grill that I think got stolen also haha. It wasn’t on there very well so it may have just fallen off. Who knows. I like the empty front grill better tho.

Some people are just idiots. :roll:

Yes I sure it didnt fall off. I checked my tire pressure before I left for his place and again when I got there (thought I had a leak) so I would have been looking at them as I kneeled to remove the cap.

I got bored and found out the price for a cap from Nissan … $40. Good thing I know someone who has some lying around…

I left my car at a buddies house in Riverbend over night and it looks like a Chicken shit an egg on my hood when i picked it up in the morning. :finga: :finga: :finga: :finga:

Exactly my thought.