Simply amazing site…

damn i hate people that has nice shit!!

my thoughts exactly. my garage barely fits a damn grand am. :doh:

300 posts, all on one page. Brilliant.

some of those garages need to be used. maybe wuit looking at those stupid catalogs with overpriced crap for storage.


there WAYYYYYY to clean…i mean dont get me wrong i like a CLEAN looking garage but some of them are cleaner in the garage then in some ppls houses !

There’s a magazine out with sick garages…

These look more like museums, though.

been a member for a while. awesome resource if you intend to build (as I am planning to). There are some over the top garages, as well as some nice useable garages.

Wow Just got done spending a couple of hours reading and looking at that site. Makes me want to go take everything out of mine and do a makeover. Still you can tell nothing major is done in alot of those garages.

Most of it is just organization. Some of them are tacky and then there’s the ones that have serious work. It’s a nice scope of possibilities for your own dig. The ones with white/red stripe/gray paint and custom tall cabinets are consistently t33ts!