think your day was bad

cliff notes cant log onto that site at work?

copied and paste right off ls1 tech

Well today my Wife and I decided to go check on the new house, well we almost made it…we were crossing the last intersection before the subdivision and all of a sudden SMAAAASH!!!

This POS Mexican with no Drivers License what so ever clips my left rear quarter panel while he ran a red light. So I stopped after crossing the intersection and look to see if the truck who hit us stopped, he stopped for a second then took off So naturally I gave chase, this mother fucker wasn’t going to stop so after 1 1/2 miles I caught up to him and had to go around him and force him off the road. Once my car stopped I ran over to the truck and ripped the door open and grabbed his keys, I wanted to kill this piece of shit but I had my wife with me and for some reason she has a calming effect on me.

So the cops are called and arrive at the scene and do their paperwork. In the end he ran a red light causing a wreck, has NO DRIVERS LICENSE, and tried to flee the scene of an accident but was cut short by me and my Wife. The thing that cracks me up…he was given 3 tickets and let go! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL ABOUT!

If I were to be pulled over for 10 over and had a suspended license I would go to jail.

This is the second incident in my life where the guilty party should have clearly gone straight to jail and not collect $200 and they were let go. I HATE FUCKING COPS!!

At least my wife wasn’t hurt and the actual owner of the truck is insured.

I should have stayed home and got drunk today!


that sucks…would have killed the bastard

In his sig it says he ran an 11.5 or something at 121. I guess he had no trouble catching up to the nissan truck.


did you exspect anything less in a ls1

yeah, my 13.1 is less. :crying:

that sucks, ya i would have killed him too

then you would have been in jail for killing someone over a vehicle, that’s real smart. :rolleyes: i’m sure he could have bounced his face off a few things before the cops arrived, but that’s about it