This can't be good - financial


A little bit of government regulation a few years ago would have saved us all a lot of headaches

You’re so predictable.:stuck_out_tongue:


There’s no denying that had the government regulated lending practices more the subprime disaster would have been greatly reduced or eliminated.

There might have been a time when true “free-market” economics worked, but with it being so simple these days for people to make BILLIONS in the short term and then bounce with no consequences it’s time for some regulation.

^I agree that once you catch these guys it is too late, the damage is done.

So is this the begining of the end of the US empire?
Some people have been talking about “the end” and it seems pretty extreme but the last 48 hours doesn’t look to good.
Where are we headed?

also a repost, argue in the original thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, where?

Found it.