8 min video but damn!! this guys awsome
This isn’t the same dude from the other video right?
This guy’s got more game near the ground, and it seems like he has more overall control, with close and precise control, flirting near the ground. Whereas the other one has more corkscrews/twirls mid-air.
Get practicing Channel 3 News copter!
lol you seen the fuselages? haha they have one that you can buy and makes it look like a news heli haha might get that would be jokes
Phst… I can do the same thing for $5!
Cardboard, spray-paint, and duct-tape sure can do wonders! I can see it now… Honeycomb-cardboard structure, high-tech aerodynamic seamless joints, and a glorious “TNC News Copter” sign hanging off the camera!
Just let me know when you want to set up an appointment, and I’ll hook ya up!
heres some pics that would be jokes… this is an RC fuselage haha put tnc new choppter hahaha that be funny as hell
apointment? lol