This guy insane. First backflip in wheelchair and more.


Incredible, even permanently injured and hindered he makes the most of it.

He has more balls on a wheelchair then most able bodied “Extreme sport participants”


That is amazing.

Backflip is at 2:25 for you lazy mofozz.

thats awesome

he was sooo close to cracking his head on that rotation tho lol

holy fuck thats awesome, major props to that kid

+1 he was inches…


I know :wow

I’m sure the thought of being even more paralyzed is a constant for him, which is why it takes balls of CF to pull some of that stuff off :ahh

:wow Props to that kid, thats awesome to see!!

That’s definitely cool as hell. That backflip he was doing on to that black landing was a padded landing too. One of my good friends used to work down at Woodward and that’s how he learned how to do backflips on his BMX bike was on that very ramp.