this guy needs a ride

thats right, this guy has no car and needs a ride.

im in lancaster, need to be someplace near city hall in an hour

i will pay you :stuck_out_tongue:

this guy is paying 30 dolla to a taxi

thanks anyways! JERKS

if i wasn’t stuck at work i would have taken you :frowning:

good job on getting that new car, loser :tdown:

If you bought my car this wouldn’t be an issue.:smiley:

well if i didn’t just wake up i would ahve gotten you …


i just woke up sorry bro

way to post last minute dick…and yea…most of us work Bitch

just got home from work 10 min ago or i would have grabbed ya my nukra. :confused:

See, he’s not leet like me, I can just call up my hoes and fucking tell them to pick me up, bitches.

which is why you posted a while back you needed a ride from the airport :bloated:

they were all pulling tricks at that time, Howie See had to smack a bitch
