This is getting ridiculous

Okay, if I have to go into my garage one more time and look at the hideous stock wheels on my GTR I am going to vomit. Fuck are they ugly. :vom: :grrr

I can’t make up my mind what wheels to get. :wall:

I want light (unheavy) weels and the biggest contact patch on the tires I can stuff under the wheel wells (without rolling of the lip). I need some help with ideas! Post pics if you got 'em.

…and if you have a smart ass comment to make, save it and don’t bother posting.

American racing makes some nice rims Dave. :lol: …Im kidding, your best bet is going to be yahoo Japan. I garentee you can find some nice, good quality wheels for cheap on there.

American Racing…ha hahahaah.

Ya, I could go on Yahoo but I am stumped for ideas. Been there lots. Sometimes hard to find wide enough and four wheels all same diameter. I can’t decide what will look good and it is extremely hard to find weights of the wheels in the specs. has lots of big wide wheels for cheap… might wanna take a gander around that site.

As for make/model… I have nothing useful to say :frowning:


No but look for some Ray’s or some old Work wheels. Most of them are pretty light.

Or you could get my favorite

17x9’s +12 Gram Lights is white 57 MAX
Pic’s taken from
Dunno how they would fit a GTR tho

give me your money i will find u wheels… :E

Volk TE37’s are the best wheels for the GTR in my opinion.

So many have them in Japan, but regardless to how band wagon they are they are still gorgeous.

…and you wont find a higher quality wheel.

…but you’ll pay for it.

I’m a sucker for BBS RS-GT
Hope you can read german…

I got something. Ill post a pic i the next day. I can have them in Canada in less than a month and depending on if my container gets the ultra supe clean by customs it should be pretty fast.

I second the vote for Volk TE-37’s. They are pure sex on a GT-R. :smiley:

Volk CE 28s are hot on GT-Rs. I also like RH J8 or J5 that style they look like they have a large lip.
gold work VS-XX in gold would look hotness on your car
or the new emotion XD-9 in bronze or chrome would look hot on your car

i pulled a pic from here i think of a GT-R with SSR’s in 17X9.5 +12 offset. very meaty looking, and probably could fit a 10.5 with some fender rolling.

edit: LOL they’re for sale!

x2 those are sick… i can picture them on a GTR

stick with 6 spoke

Good stuff guys. Thanks for the input. Keep 'em coming.

ive got sweet work wheels on my 180, actually my most fav so far, might be a good pick.

You’re welcome :E

Personally favour the Nismo LM GT4’s

Andrei is right these look hot on skylines
way better pic