this is just wrong in so many ways

I’m thinking that particular car (poor thing) should have an “A” next to each of the countless “SS” stickers.

id drive it.

into a bus…

Such a shameless defacing of hugger orange paint.

That person should be shot.

that is just so wrong, stupid ricer owns that car


them’s fightin’ words…:v8killer:


that makes me feel ashamed for having a 97 z…

what a shame i love camaros but that one i hated the ugliest car that i have ever seen next to the mercury sable that came into work today with a erector set wing bolted to the trunk and cheap flame stickers down the side and hood.

why…urs doesnt look like that so u have nothing to worry about

your 1 of many that are setting the right example on how they should look

take out a tape measure, go to your car. If you can find Z28 written three or more times within one cubic foot, then:hsugh: feel ashamed

:rofl: ya