

that’s really ugly, IMO


“in everyone’s opinion”.

ya, i’d say so

umm ok :ugh2:

I like it. But it’s about $13k more than I’d ever pay for it

A month or so ago I saw a 96 or up civic coupe with porsche headlights and e46 style bmw taillights. I think Be_rad might have taken a picture of it, it was by far the ugliest car I have ever seen.

hahaha…i gave that dude the thumbs down on the parkway

I followed that turd home all the way from VA beach in august. :puke:


41 bids…pittsburghers are SO closed minded, not my style but i like things like that as long as it isn’t a chop job

What no lambo doors?
No lambo doors = no bid

i dont think its bad lookin just seems like alot of time to put into it for no real good reason


how about :greddy: Type R

I would rather be closed minded than like that hunk of ricer shit.

41 bids by 4 ppl two of which have never bought or sold anything on ebay. it has nice aspects, but all in all it’s overboard. not fall over laughing overboard, but its still wet

but does it have lotus tuned suspension?

dem’s fightin words, or at least show up and do nothing words :rofl: if not then i’d knock at least 2grand off the price.

its really not that bad, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overpriced but not too bad lookin, i seen alot worse