THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandi from storage wars is adorable. I have no idea why. FUCK.


who in blue blazes you talking about?

I don’t fucking know Trace is still at work and IM BORED AS FUCK.


shes a bitch tho wayne!! (not trace)


Yea buddy.

Would most likely insert my wiener in her

pics or ban 1!!!

Pics or ban 2

pics or ban 3. preferably tits or gtfo though


its like hard as fuck to find pics of her online. needs moar bathing suit pics or n00des.

she kind of looks like the blonde from big bang theory. Wayne based on the fact you made a thread about her i was expecting more “would smash” level. You sir have gone down a peg today in my eyes. :Idiots …yes i am kidding :hug

paper bag…probably would smash

reread thread. says “adorable” and “would still smash”

I AM STILL WINNING BITCH!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

bahhahahahahahhahahahha…:tongue plus rep fawker plus rep


Ban 1

Ive seen better looking girls/women today in my travels than her