THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wayne, you can borrow Alana

Disclaimer: OneShadyMofo Inc. baby rental service can not be held responsible for any unexpected pregnancies due to woman wanting a child after the rental is over. Also can not be held responsible for damage done for those looking for the “true” birth experience without the life long commitment afterwords

Perfect for this thread

You can borrow my woman if I can watch?

:rofl :rofl :rofl. post pics Omega.

Best idea so far.

She’s bigger. She is not a small girl by any means. She’s no cow either. Let me see if I have any pics…

Lol. The only 2 of her I have in my PB.

omg! haha im not sure how in gods name she puts up with u man. hahahahahaha


Paging Wayne

hurry Wayne, hump her so we can all watch! :slight_smile:


wat is going on in here?


Post kid is decent. I have since returned to nobabynever. You can borrow my kid too Wayne. lol

I have no idea where this thread has gone but I agree with the OP that Brandi is cute although the posted pic was pretty bad.

Do we get any say?!?!? :crazy

No say

Yeah, top or bottom

Ba Dum Dum Tshhhhhh


This just in, Steff texted me NO.

well there goes that idea