Looked at it then chuckled to myself…
404 funny not found
^ Statue of a woman looking up into the sky covered in white stuff or as we know it here in Buffalo, snow… if you cant see the slight humor in that then I cant help you from here haha.
i loled…
lol money shot
Pearl Necklace?
it actually took your second post of the description to figure out why it was suppose to be funny. I guess I just don’t think that way.
you sir are a
i loled @ bukkake angel
i lol’d at this :picard:
but i got it hehe:suckoff:silly
i laughed. what was the picture for?
i 100% lol’d when i saw the picture
def funny :tup:
If snow on a statue makes you think cumshot then you might want to try a little harder to get laid. Get a decent haircut or something. A shirt that wasn’t free with registration. Some chloroform.
I lulz’d
FRY?? aren’t stupid sexual jokes what keeps this forum alive?
that was funny
Did someone say I should get a new haircut??? And then it would get me laid???