Really nice pics.
man, i really wish i could get colors and definition out of my pictures like that.
lol. i count getting flipped off 4 or 5 times while trying to hold back traffic so these clowns can do their thing
I love you William Baxter.
zx10r? So fucking hottttttttttttttttttt
I thought so.
That color=sex
whos sti is that, i have seen it around ub a lot
amazing pics… please send me them in high res on a cd… id love you even more scott…
the bike is extremely twitchy… i miss my 636 for this stuff…
Fry- I was going to wear the boots, but i cant control rear brake with them on… and its so early in the season, im not as stable as usual… Others can vouch for that. :lol:
Jay and choko… i miss you guys :(…
zong make me sad
is your car even out aaaaaaaaaaryn? This was a last minute ‘pull people out of work/class early and meet up and go’ type of thing.
we’d be down to cruize and take some photos with you and newman though sometime xxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo
p.s itsreallycuzwehateyou
those are his lucky sneakers.
x2 AND please find an open parking lot. STOP slipping the clutch and reving to 20k around my house… I know you are not the only one who does it but i can see my house in those pics that are sweet with the high res.
That damn rabbit shows up in like EVERY buffalo car pic :lol:
Regardless, it’s teh hot :tup:
lol…jerk face
but yea, my car is out… its dirty as shit… but its out
drove it yesterday