thumbs up to newman


I heard that after giving the money back, Newman snapped the phone in half right in front of the guys face and threw the 2 pieces at him.

then i spit on him.

you bet your sweet fuckin ass he spit on him

this thread is more adorable then the puppies for sale thread, awwwe !

love this chart

sentence enhancers

what if you put a fuckinā€™ between the ass and he?


i donā€™t like that at all.

^ :rofl:
between this pic, the chart, and your incredible kindnessā€¦ I dont know how iā€™m going to suppress this erectionā€¦


stroke it until it calms downā€¦ use that picture to assistā€¦ newman never looked betterā€¦ i retract my abercrombie commentā€¦ replace with Revlon.

GREAT ADVICE. It worked until I came back to this thread. Now I have a raging erection again.

DEFINE PRIAPRISM. An erection that lasts for an extended period of time. As in a normal erection, the penis fills with blood and becomes erect. However, unlike a normal erection that dissipates after sexual activity ends, the persistent erection caused by priapism is maintained because the blood in the penile shaft does not drain. The shaft remains hard, while the tip of the penis is soft. If it is not relieved promptly, priapism can lead to permanent scarring of the penis and inability to have a normal erection.

We now know newman causes priaprism. RIDICULOUS.


:lolham: glad every1 enjoys this shit