Thursday Cruise Nights?

Anyone know of any cruise nights on Thursdays? Closer to the southtowns the better. I don’t know of a single one :gotme:

These is one at Z’s Pizzaria in West Seneca i think. Its the old Ebenezer Onion.

I think the warehouse on mile strip has a cruise night on thursday’s

warehouse is on weds. you can try SG :stuck_out_tongue:

we can make one in springville if you would like :gotme:

There is a good one tonight at Texas Roadhouse in Tonawanda. It isn’t every thursday night, I think it’s every other week or once a month, but they have been rained out for a while. Tonight should be good. It is about 500 feet from the 290 near Colvin in the same parking lot as the Gander Mountain store.

Thanks for the heads up, but that’s way too far. Flathead+1barrel+3speed+4.10’s=54MPH

polish falcons, and Z’s of what I know. im pretty sure ill be hitting up falcons. anyone want to cruise up is welcome too.

I think Polish Falcons is your closest option for you. They get a nice turnout.

Z’s Closed down.

Thursday in the Square

today is bike night at the warehouse

polish falcons had 215 cars tonight