Tiger Woods 09 for 360

Im sorry, but i had to post about this. This is one of the most addicting games ive played in quite sometime. The game play is amazing. The whole face recognition you can do with pictures of yourself is unbelievable.

im not HUGE on golf…but i do like it a bit. Just goes to show you that someone who is not a big golf fan can enjoy this game.\

anybody else have it/play it? i know of a few on here that do and also love it.

I like it, gameface rocks, right aaron, we look cute playing together. Wolf Creek course is hard as hell

Any different from '08? ILI

hmm…ill have to kick off this download before I head out of town this afternoon.

I like golf now but even before I was into golf, Golf video games were always a lot of fun! Tiger Woods has always been a great title.


It was the game I was playing when I got RRoD. :frowning:

For the 10 minutes or so I played it seemed pretty good. My console is at the front desk all packaged up and ready for the UPS guy to take back to MS.

Downloaded Mercenaries 2 the other night but obviously haven’t been able to try it. Loved the first one on PS2.

geeeeof…not sure how 08 really was…i only played that once. i hard this was much better tough

I have 07 and 08. I might wait on 09.

People tell me it’s more fun on the wii, but I’m betting the graphics are not the same.

The one course in 07 where the plane would fly by sounded so realistic with fiber optics and 7.1 that I looked out the window.

its only more fun on the wii for the controls, nothing more.

but yes its the best golf game out there for the wii atm.

i have 08, and the game is addicting as hell, when im stuck on the raod, im always playing it

I didnt like 08 on the wii because putting was fucking impossible. I’ll try 09 on 360.