Tim Russert Just died..... :RIP:

Wow I still can’t believe it.
This is such a HUGE loss for politics and WNY.
RIP Tim.

Why couldn’t a crappy reporter die instead?

He was just in town like 2 weeks ago

My mom met him at her work


Amazing set of circumstances…was just visiting his wife and son in Italy after his son graduated college and flew back to work on the show for Sunday this morning.

I saw him at St. Bonaventures commencement a few years ago…amazing speaker. Great Buffalonian…wonderful father.

Will be missed…RIP

So sad, Tom brokaw was on the local news speaking about him. Such an important buffalonoian and he never forgot his roots. Sad day indeed.

RIP tim :frowning:

aww man :frowning:


my aunt ro used to date him back in the day… everyone always spoke of him so fondly i guess he was a pretty good guy. its a shame, way too young


he was the best ambassador to buffalo. Genuine. R.I.P.

I dont know if anyone caught meet the press this weekend but tom brokaw hosted and they left tim’s seat open.