watching Bush speak on CNN and it makes me sick

now i am not a political person. i got in a political debate once and hated every second of it. there is no convincing that will ever happen, and i am open minded, but people today cant get the proper info to base strong political arguments on. so i go on gut. now that i have said that:

my gut tells me Bush is a tool. i really truly feel, that when he speaks, he is lying through his teeth. it is painful for me to watch him. his body language, the way he shufts his direction of vision…when he talks i feel he is saying something to divert my attention to somethign else.

and when you actually look at what he says, i think that holds true. he rarely says anything of content…it is always just talking, stating the obvious, quick gratuitous compliments…man thats frustrating.

in all of the katrina chaos, there has been few comments by him, and now that i have watched his breifing, i feel it is too little too late.

thats all i will say, i dont want to ramble.

Mayor speech was awsome though.

"Get off your God damn asses and do something. Don’t have another news confence until you send help.!!! " :mad:

I know he wanted to drop some F bombs.

fuck yea… Wouldnt You want to?

everytime I hear bush speak I feel stupider,

yes I used stupider.

He always takes long pauses while speaking, seemingly for no reason at all.

i agree

the man is a failure as a human being and a president

MARK MY WORDS 10-15 years from now even republicans won’t want to mention his name in conversation

here is the transcript:

i think this part of it is the best: “A lot of people working hard to help those who’ve been affected. And I want to thank the people for their efforts. The results are not acceptable.”

obviously you could take this different ways, but its comical to think he is essentially saying: “thanks for the help but you arent doing enough”

i cant think of any president in the last few decades anyone will want to talk about. he is no different than the rest of them… and i dont see this trend changing anytime soon.


Sorry but Clinton was the shit! Yeah he had his Monica crap to deal with, at least no one died over his decision. You can say her rode a buuble/wave all you want, but he started it, it was his admin that pulled us out of the recession that Bush Sr. put us in. There was nothing wrong with Reagan either, its streching a little further back but he was another great president worhty of rememberance. The only ones I do no think will be remembered are the Bush’s. I feel horrible for the republican party, they are going to have a terribly difficult time getting any of their canidates elected in 08, even if they are the more qualified one.

hahaha… I just watched him speak on nbc…
he didn’t answer any of the pussy questions the journalists asked directly…
just a whole bunch of useless phrases …and they all thanked him at the end… STUPID.

the president is a buffer. do you think the public can handle the truth? look at what the retards in NO are doing… look at past riots. the masses are STUPID. the last thing we need is a country with mob mentality.

there is a reason they dont answer q’s.

we have a retarded buffer. but i agree with you, there are certain truths that cant be told. but i swear to you i would have felt alot better if clinton were the buffer. something about the man radiated conviction. i dont see it in Bush and that for me makes this whole situation alot worse

. :tup:

so its not the bullshit you mind, its who tells it, and how much conviction they have… ie. how well they make you believe the load of crap that you know is crap?

i dont care if it was kermit the frog spewing shit. shit is shit.

JOHN TITOR…it begins

thats a great point, and yeah, i am saying that in some respect.

but look at it this way: when the shit is hitting the fan, the man with more conviction (not neccesarily how well they deilver the BS), confidence, a stronger stance…is the leader i want to follow. i dont see bush as a leader, but i see him on tv. you said yourself the masses are stupid, and to a point i agree, but if the man the masses are looking to for leadership sucks, it tends to have a trickledown effect.

i can see your point, but i believe he is more intelligent than most of our country (with the exception of the north east and the people that moved from there to florida)

That’s what ALL elected officials do.

they are super heros, with capes and shit
