although Bush may not be the smartest

…guy in the world. I still think people should respect him because he was elected as our President. Think about it, the job sucks ass. you are damned if you do damned if you don’t. You really don’t have much control over anything that goes on, since you got a boat load of people there to advise you then all the checks and balances BS.

anyway I know he might not be the best president ever, but he earns my respect because he gets up every morning and trys his hardest. Its really easy for us to nit pick everything he does, but its not fair since we don’t know the whole situation.

think about it next time you are president bashing, doesn’t exactly make sense to bash the leader.

Yeah but on that note the person running the country should have a bit more intellegance and should try a bit harder. I’m I did my job with the attitude of the american governement people would die and I would be fired in no time flat.

I’m not stopping with bush. I’m saying all these jackoffs.

If you can’t tell I hate politicans. No I’m not saying there should be anarchy or anything like that. I just feel the genepool needs to be cleaned out and people voting need to get their heads out of their asses.

You fuck up . Poof your fired next. None of this server your term then play the voting games and campaining (talking shit on your opponet) to get reelected…

well put whitey


I already thought the republicans had their convention…


who would know. I’m sure it won’t be on TV 24/7 like the Dem’s was. :rolleyes:

don;t mistake me for beinga dem :smiley:

the republican convention is this weekend.

and, no, i won’t stop bashing the retard. bill clinton was put through a lot more shit than Bush was, and (at least in many people’s opinion) was a much better president.

i have absolutely no respect for bush. it’s not his politics, it’s his lack of ability. a leader is supposed to inspire his people, especially in times of war. bush can barely rally his own party, let alone anyone else’s. he’s an idiot, and i’ll be overjoyed when he’s gone

hope you have a miserable 4 years until 2008. :smiley:

maybe you should try another country to live in?

because i think the president is a douche?

if anything, having him in office is making me more politically active. i’ll bet in the upcoming election we’ll have the most liberals at the polls in decades. i only wish we had a better democrat to vote for.

and for all the people that bitch and moan about people despising the president: most of you did the same thing when clinton was in office.

personally, i don’t think i ever really said anything bad about the presidents. Its just a respect thing, its like me going and yelling and making fun of the McDonalds Manager for no reason. the guy is just doing a job

yes and no.

he IS doing a job, but that job is to represent you and me… he’s our voice to the world… so he is definitely subject to scrutiny from us, his bosses.


Until you are more than a pizza delivery boy you have no idea what it’s like to have a stress filled pressure job. You base all your opinions on what you see and read through the news and T.V., which is just another presentation to make money off of advertising.

You ever wonder why someone looks like they have aged 20 years after they come out of being president for 4 years? It’s a stressful fucking job, could you imagine the shit they see and have to make decisions on that you never ever will hear about or see. You think he just stands up there and orders people to his death without it weighing on his mind day in and out. Your support of clinton is pretty damn funny he was a pussy too, he could of taken his very personal image and done something good with it other than getting a bj in the whitehouse…

Until you are president and see what that man has to go through then you have no position to stand on and bitch like you know what it takes to do the job. People have lost a ton of respect for what has to be one of the toughest jobs in the world… You are right you do have a right to question your leader, that’s what it’s all about, but do it in an intelligent and repectful matter. Some of the smartest people in the nation up there giving him advice and information, and they might just know something your pizza delivering ass might not.


my part-time job defines my ability to assess politics?

make a relevant point.

i’m sure being president is stressful as hell. i don’t think george w. bush, an alcoholic whose business ventures all failed, who snorted coke and doesn’t deny having had an underage girlfriend abort his baby in high school, whose family has financial ties to many bin Ladens, has any business being in the white house. I can name dozens of Republicans more qualified.

You said, “Until you are president and see what that man has to go through then you have no position to stand on and bitch like you know what it takes to do the job.”

Ask Bill Clinton how well Bush is doing.

My relevant point is you don’t know wtf you are talking about. How could you possibly know what it’s like to be president and criticize the guy like he’s running a fucking mini-mart.

You don’t understand pressure, you are too young and to inexperienced to understand what it’s like to be in a pressure packed job with tons of decisions and being screwed no matter what path you take. You wonder why the constitution has an age limit for being president? It’s called maturity… read about that…

WTF, you think clinton is going to do anything other than bash Bush too? WTF do you think he wants?? He wants his wife to be the first woman president so of course he’s going to abuse Bush. JFC, you have no idea about alternative motives and the games people play cause you have yet to experience that. You think everyone speaks the truth or doesn’t twist things to get what they want, well you got a whole fucking new life ahead of you…

One of these days you’ll understand…

how bout all the vacations he took after he was elected - before 9-11??

plus his ass is at the ranch 1/2 the time.

all i’m saying is that if clinton pulled some of the stuff bush is doing he would have been impeached…health care bill scandal, 9-11, questionable motives on war in iraq, etc…

bill just gets a bj and they try to throw him out.

I saw an interview on i think it was meet the press and they were talking to a member of congress…they were talking about the heath care scandal, and the host said "if BIll clinton had done this they would have tried to impeach him, and the congress member said “yes we would have”…thats fucked up

silvrhand… you can condescend all you like, but you still don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

i’m not saying i could be president; i’m saying that bush is doing a terrible job of it. if he can’t handle stress, maybe he should resign.

i obviously know clinton has his own motives. what i’m saying is, no on has an unbiased opinion of bush’s performance. that’s the nature of opinion. if it bothers you so much that i think bush is a festering cunt, then don’t read my posts. i’m too young and inexperienced to understand pressure? i had a 1510 SAT score and was in classes meant for advanced students a grade ahead of me. The plan for me was to go to Harvard, become an attorney, and all that shit. I snapped. I don’t deal well with pressure; I’ll never run for president either. If George W. Bush wasn’t the son of a moderately respected ex-president, he never would have either.

funny you should talk about that…i was just talking about SAT’s with a co-worker this morning

i’m not knocking you but SAT’s mean jack shit…

since pitt raised the SAT score level it means they have been getting a lot more “dumb” freshman

ask peterock about all the retard freshman that are here…seems like they get dumber & dumber each year.

its been tracked & proven, nationwide and here at pitt…people with very high SAT scores usually have no common knowledge/sense (street smart as some call it), and are socially behind, or have some type of social skills sproblem.