the election poll

im saying there gonna go neck and neck. BUT Kerry’s gonna pull though.

“I like this guy” :bigthumb: :blue: :bigok:

fuck kerry…

Listening to Air America this morning & they called that 1800 number that you call if you have a voting problem…& they said that the hot spots for problems are Allegheny County & some county in Virginia.

Voter registration & polling place problems…

Sonny we know you want to… just admit it… :sex: :greddy:

kerry is a piece of garbage…


i love bush, i love anything that gives foliage to the poonany area

stfu no0b

in all reality i dont want either to be our next president if i could choose i want clinton back! i thought he did alot for our country

Currently at a red light in monroeville. Never seen anything like this in my life. Kerry and bush supporters by all the intersections everyone beeping there horns… Crazy shyt man.

allready voted this morning



I voted this morning, waited in line 10 min.

I will vote Kerry after work.

I just voted for Bush

thanks for ruining our country for another 4 years. :D:D:D



anything to make your life more miserable :blue: