the election poll

whats up with the repubs doing voter intimidation at the polls thats all i’ve been hearing about…what fags
i already voted “absentee ballot” but if some duche repub tried some voter intimidation at the poll and i was there…some heads would roll…just shut the fuck up and play far.

I have a great life, even with the most retarded president the US has ever had or will have in office :dunno:

where did you graduate from college again? where did he? thats right

Ya he graduated with what… a C average… :doh: :doh: :eek2:

Smart President :clit:

post proof please

with help from his dad. oh wait he was a cheerleader right? :greddy:

seriously, last minute, in-person intimidation tactics and even recorded phone messages on my answering machine at home!!! doesnt make me want to change my mind in the least…

no to mention McKnight Rd was just flooded with Bush signs this morning on the way to work. hope you bushees have fun taking them all down :op:

because all college grads are smarter than someone who didn’t go to college. :rolleyes:

I will get me degree from either Pitt or Duquesne in a few years.

I was actually under the impression you did goto school, and graduate… was not insulting non grads

but needless to say

Yale > Duq/Pitt

i am currently at the University of West Mifflin (CCAC South) starting my college degree. I fucking hate school and think it’s a waste of time, but I need the damn piece of paper.

I actually agree with you on this

experience > degree

but to bad jobs want that college receipt

And what University are you attending or did??? :love:


I went to psu, but I also don’t insult the President by calling him a retard, or insinuate my intelligence is greater than his. I know my place in life.

certificate of authenticity please, I can make one of those too

i still haven’t heard a good ligitimate reason why you would vote for bush except if your mad rich for own a huge corp…the only thing that i heard that was somwhat understandable is that they were scared to change presidents during this fragile time…but i say thats a good thing…but i see how i could be viewed differently.
all the little things like abortion, same sex marriage etc…are pretty petty to me when you look at the big picture.

:eek2: give me 5 mins…

I view those as petty issues (abortion, same sex etc)… theyre not going to tear our country apart.

I think our main issues of focus should be economy, taxation, and national security.

most stuff you find on the net is fake… do you think I could find your transcripts so easily?

agreed but what experience does he have…every company he ever owned/controled he has run into the ground.

and when he was a governor of texas he vote against rasing the minimum wage which was like $3.something in texas…WTF is up with that…and was against a national minimum