the election poll

you do realize, with a minimum wage increase, comes inflation of various goods as well, right?

Yes… You could easly goto my school and get mine. I mean im not gonna explain to you how to do it but theres ways. :nono: But now im getting off topic…

I just wish the Libertarian party was stronger.

less government in my life > *

then your school is lacking with privacy compliance ordinances… and if that were the case, theyd be facing heavy fines, and penalties

Depends on career.

look all in all if Bush probably went after the RIGHT guy for 911 i would have voted for him. That and them commercials with him joking about the Weapons of mass destruction, then that chick saying my brother died looking for them weapons… ew…

That and In my book:
Guy Cheerleaders = :greddy2:

but why does every bush supporter over look all the dirty/ immoral/crooked/shady things he as done

medicare scandal, afaganistan leader & pipeline, letting bin ladens people leave the US on special flights when all other flights where grounded after 9-11, lying about WMD, no bid contracts to haliburton, not doing anything to prevent 9-11 with all the intelligence before hand, no child left behind sucks…etc…and the list goes on & on.

or economy sucks & he has lost more jobs that any other pres ever.
taxes the poor/middle class & lets the rich get a break, National securty is OK i guess but things could have been don to prevent 9-11.
also how come we are the first human civilization to ever have a tax cut during a time of war?

just ask you boy bush to get it…with the patriot act they can get any info

I think if two men can do the job equally, one with a degree, and one without… having a degree should not be an issue.

:down: :eek2: :eek4: :doh: :hahano:
if your the president i think its a issue

Agreed. What I’m saying is, some jobs require the training up front to be able to do it.

i just got back from voting for bush, as far as the “intimidators” they have been at every election for the past 51 years, they are called challengers and they only step forward when they think there is a problem, not everyone.

did anyone else here that one of the polls in philly already had a shitload of votes on it before they even opened?

they way things are this election Im surprised if you cant find pics of Bush pickin his nose and eatin it in pre school

in my field, having a degree is becomming more and more of a requirement anymore… and I work in a field, where, it’s almost virtually impossible to be taught in a sit down classroom environment… just has to come with experience.

will farrel

i heard that there were some places in FL. where peoples polling info got changed, location etc… about 1 week prior & the Repubs were notified by phone & the dems. notified by mail…thats fucked up.

I even read about repubs sending letters to older people & minorites telling them that they had to vote at a different place or time…that fucked up to…

what we hear, and what actually happens are two different things

game of telephone

It was taken when Bush owned the Texas Rangers, and he was in the stands watching a game.

picture makes it look way to much like will farrel… like completely uncanny