the election poll

i’ll give you that

its like the bible being a book of stories not real happenings

nothing wrong with picking your nose, shows he is not some freak abnormal guy that looks like quick draw mcgraw… anywho… i’ll be voting for bush and if one liberal fuck tries to sway me on the way in they are getting punched in the face.


still haven’t got a good reason from anyone.

I agree with his stance on national security. I agree with how he is handling the Iraqi situation. I agree with his economic plan. I don’t expect you to agree with what I believe in, but thats whats great about this country.

I could keep going on, but after pulling that lever, I’m tired of politics now.

Those are all fine, your opinion and ideas are as good as the next guys…

But I really can’t understand how you can agree with how he is handling the Iraqi situation.

We are fucked over there, he knows it, they know it, we know it. We shouldnt be there, and we need to get out as soon as possible. I dont think that the Iraqi situation should be the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of who anyone votes for, but I dont get how anyone can rationalize what he is doing in Iraq as correct, just, or fair.

after him & his administration did nothing to prevent 9-11??
where there were tons of signs pointing to terrorism

cleaing up his mess??

personal preference… but our economy sucks & sorry to tell you but trickle down effect doesn’t always work…espically not during a shitty economy

Seems like you agree on all the stuff he is doing to clean up all the stuff he fucked up on.

its your preference…i just don’t see how you can look over all the bad stuff/shady he’s done

here i’ll use the kerry supporters reason. George bush isn’t john kerry thats why i vote for him.

real reasons: liberals are always more about the environment than conservatives, anything for the environment is bad for car enthusiats. kerry’s home state of MAss they tried to get those crushing programs to get rid of older cars. F that, they wanna reduce emissions and all this shit but that would kill so many jobs. just think if they did away with the gasoline engine, a place like summit would go under.

I feel safe under GW’s watch

A BIG ONE, i agree with bush’s plan for social security, a lot of us write it off but i look at that on my pay check every two weeks and it pisses me off.

Kerry is a fake politician and has been all his life

bush is not a career politician, he’s had his hands in a few different things.

i hate that foriegner wife of kerry. I don’t want hilary part 2.

i’m not even gonna go into most of the stuff they debated about cause thats all typic polical BS that adds up to nothing from both sides. basically i like GW more as a person. He’s more like us, he has flaws he admits, he gets tounge twisted, etc etc.

i love cars, but the environment is a little more important than our hobby…

there is nothing wrong with the environment, its fine, it goes through its natural changes regardless of what man does. Fuck saving it for the next guy! i don’t care what happends to the generation 400 years from now. 2 summers without hitting 90, argue with THAT!!!

do you honestly feel the economy went into the shitter, after he got elected. if so, then thats economic history. It takes approximately 8-9 years for a president to take affect on an economy.

Yes I agree with why we are in Iraq.

Preventing 9/11? You saying Gore would’ve prevented it? Sorry, but people would laugh at you, if you did. Think Clinton could too? Remember, Clinton is a man who let sailors die due to terrorist bombings of naval vessels, but launched million dollar missles to blow up tents, because the media attention got wind of his blowjob scandal.

Saying Roosevelt could have prevented pearl harbor too?

Trickle down worked before, it can work again.

Cut down on taxes, and cut down on government spending (which is something democrats promise to to do, but do the opposite of, read history). More money in peoples pockets, means more spending. More spending, means alternate taxation. Alternate taxation means reduced deficit. Money has to come from the top, and float its way down. It doesn’t go up man, it only goes down, then back to the source (the government).

if everyday for october and november is a 70 degree day like today, then global warming is a ok with me :wink:

x 46743673468974365074353689379386736743609

technically i sounds like a good idea but it rarely works

and money will never make its way down, when the economy is shitty the rich people will just keep the money not invest & spend

Have you read or seen the 9-11 commsion report…you can’t get anymore straight forward then that…his adminstration was basically told that something was gonna happen & they did nothing…PEROID!

this pisses me off…clinton gets a BJ like probably every other president but the public finds out & they want to impeach him cause he lied…Bush does all this shady stuff, lie about the WMD, heath care scandal, etc…and nothing is done!

how bout this one…

your boy bush making John ashcroft Attorney General??
the guy loses the senator election to a dead guy & bush thinks yeah…i’ll make him attornet general…WTF

yeah like it works only some times of the year :rolleyes:

I’m all for the President gettin some… if anyone deserves his dick sucked its him… but I’m not for using million dollar missiles as a diversionary tactic to sway the public watch from him

agreed…but haw can you say that and overlook all the fucked up stuff bush has done??
healthcare scandal
afgan pipeline with iterim Karzai
lying about WMD

so you want to support kerry, who wants to put the US’s decisions in the UN’s hands, after the UN f’d up saddam and the proper piping of money for food for guns?

bush might have flaws, but he’ll live up to them and tell the public the truth.

kerry will tell whoever whatever they want to hear, and then go relinquish US based desicions to the f’ing UN… :doh:

after tonight it’ll all just be :blah: :blah:

I have an odd feeling those wmd are sitting in syria, just a hunch

the president had a hunch they were in Iraq and blew up the country for nothing - that’s no way to run a country

if he gets reelected maybe we can go around the world and blow up every country he thinks may do something wrong. God I hate the President

as long as france, most of the middle east, and north korea is on that list, I’m ok with it