the election poll

at least when clinton lied nobody died

bumper sticker i saw today

funny and true

poor vince foster didn’t commit suicide!!!

against over 1000 troops and ?? number of innocent Iraqi’s

good comparison

remember this is a volunteer army… no one is FORCING people to die.

tell me there wasn’t a problem in iraq with saddam and a problem in afgan from clinton’s fuckups.

there was going to be a war whether we started it or NOT.


x2 you cant sign up for a free ride to college and think you’ll be ok. You know the consequences when you sign up. No one should die but it was their dicision to take that risk.

how many soldiers are being held past their scheduled discharge?

doesn’t matter, if you don’t want to be there don’t join in the first place. The army is like the boy scouts, you can’t just quit whenever you feel like it. You are done when they say you are done.

how many solders get pensions that blow 95% of the country’s away… same with healthcare, benefits, savings on banking, freebies ect. ect. ect.

just to make a point… i’m salary, after 40 hours a week i’m out of the office… if my email server crashs on friday with 39 hours filled, i don’t work for an hour and go home… i stay until the job is done whether it’s 45 hours or 60 hours that week… it gets done… (don’t jump on me for comparing computer nerd to a soldier… it’s a job to a job)

the same is expected with the military… that’s their Job…

i was kicked out of scouts for “actions unbefitting a scout”…

(i refused to hike in the snow and spent the day drinking hot cocoa in the cabin and playing Atari Lynx while everyone else got cold + wet.)


you can quit your job at any time without being “treasonous”.

i could take this one pretty far but i’m not gonna take the easy comeback like all of you fucks do with the central shit.

right and when i quit i dont’ get added benefiets and pensions and whatnot, i get the shaft…

same as a dishonerable discharge… i don’t feel bad for someone that doesn’t wnat to be in the army anymore but still gets all the perks… i know it’s not as easy as saying ‘i quit’. but there are ways out…

i teabagged a scoutmaster.


i’d walk up to my sargeant and go “you know what i love? teh cock. lots.”

its not that i want to support Kerry…its just that he is the only person with a chance to beat bush & i’ll take a chance with anyone over bush, so i have to vote for kerry.

no offense but if i didn’t already know you were black, these comments would convince me. Its the same thing from every black, why is that? :dunno:

it’s not a black thing.

i voted for kerry for the exact same reason.

during the primaries, i supported dean and bashed kerry.


Economy is stagnate due to 9/11 not Bush that shit really screwed people up I mean christ.

Taxation- Kerry will rase the taxes on everyone as soon as he gets in so more fucking degenerats can have their free programs.

Security - Kerry can’t make up his mind on a damn thing. Then to say he is going to yank troops. people please be realistic, We are there was it a mistake probably , but thats a mood point now, kerry isn;t going to be able to do anything any faster than bush is. I may not agree with bush totally on things but at least I know where is is headed. Kerry just likes to put out a bunch of psycho-babble and doesn;t know how he is going to handle shit because he isn;t in there.

To be quite frankly with all this crap people talk about any president they all thing they have the answer. Reality check would be you don;t know how to react till you are in the hot seat and know exactly what you have to work with.

-take care

here one for you to ponder…

how come the church would let kerry take comunion cause he is pro abortion…
they will let you take comunion from a pedifile??